Welcome to Thurston Preschool
Thurston Preschool is a tuition based/GSRP blended preschool program accepting children who are 4 by September 1, 2016. The preschool is located in Thurston Elementary school and is part of the Thurston Elementary School community. The goal of Thurston preschool is to best prepare the student to be ready for their Kindergarten experience, we do this by closely working with the Kindergarten teachers. We work on the skills the Kindergarten teachers are finding important for incoming Kindergarteners to possess. The program use; Creative Curriculum, Everyday Mathematics, and Handwriting Without Tears programs.
Thurston preschool has developed a philosophy based on theories and research in early childhood education. Inherent in this philosophy is our dedication to ensuring a program that celebrates diversity by supporting and respecting cultural, racial, and religious differences.
Parent Involvement
A child’s success in school is greatest when parents and school form a cooperative team with common goals. The partnership we foster between home and school in the preschool programs provides for greater continuity and coordination in your child’s learning. The more school and family communicate the more appropriate and individualized the education plan will be for your child.
Some ways you may choose to participate are by:
* Attending parent/ teacher conferences
* Volunteering to help with special classroom projects
* Volunteering to spend time in the classroom
* Helping with field trips
* Preparing and sharing foods and celebrations that honor your family heritage
* Sharing special interests or hobbies with the children
Some ways you may choose to participate are by:
* Attending parent/ teacher conferences
* Volunteering to help with special classroom projects
* Volunteering to spend time in the classroom
* Helping with field trips
* Preparing and sharing foods and celebrations that honor your family heritage
* Sharing special interests or hobbies with the children
Specials Schedule
Monday AM (10:05-10:35)- KMusic
PM (2:25-2:55)- P.E.
Tuesday AM (10:05-10:35)- Media
PM (2:25-2:55)- KMusic
Wednesday AM (10:05-10:35)- RMusic
PM (2:25-2:55)- Art
Thursday AM (10:05-10:35)- RMusic
PM (2:25-2:55)- Media
Friday AM (10:05-10:35) P.E.
PM (1:45- 2:45) Art